Pull Ups Moony Anti-sweat XL size Unisex (12-22kg) (26-44lbs) 36 count
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”Ase Sukkiri” features absorption sheets that immediately absorb 99%* of back sweat, allowing it to release outside the diaper, keeping the skin dry and fresh!
Moreover, the 99% sweat-absorption sheets lower the temperature inside the diaper by 2°C*, ensuring a comfortable experience.
Your baby's bottom will always be dry, and his mood will be perfect.
The breathable material makes sweat evaporates, and special scattering cells effectively absorb the "baby's surprises" and protect the baby's skin from the appearance of a diaper rash.
Soft elastic material!
Have you ever felt bad for a child when finding traces remaining from elastics on the front of his legs? The diaper panties Moony (sizes M, L, Big) used material Soft Retch at the front of the diaper in the area at the top of the legs. These diapers gently hug the child's body and prevent leakage, while not pinching the area around the legs.
Manufacturer: UnicharmCorporation, Japan
Pull-Ups Moony Unisex XL size
- Pants for baby:
- Size Big Unisex (12-22kg) (26-44 lbs) 36 count
- Soft touch
- Super absorbent
- Made in Japan
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