Goat milk is a popular dairy product in many countries around the world. In fact, more people in the world drink goat milk than cow’s milk because of its ease in production and accessibility in rural regions.

Goat’s milk has all of the nutritional value that cow’s milk has, but there are other benefits that can be passed on to babies. The best goat's milk formula is available online.

Is Goat Milk Formula Healthier

Goat milk and cow milk are very similar, but when it comes to producing goats milk formula for babies,the vitamins and minerals are balanced by the nutrients used to fortify them for a baby's growth and development needs.

A baby's only goat milk formula may have an advantage because the nutrients already in the milk are more accessible to absorb than what is added.

Another benefit to baby formula that is goat milk based is in its digestion. Goat milk has a smaller amount of lactose, or milk sugar. It also has smaller milk proteins and fats. A baby already has an immature digestive system, so a newborn goat milk formula that is easier to digest means less tummy troubles.

These naturally smaller components in toddler goat milk formula can also mean that they are less likely to trigger allergic reactions than in cow milk baby formula. It can be especially beneficial to babies who deal with reflux, eczema, and other stomach issues or allergens.

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Free shipping starts from 4 boxes for milk formula.
From birth
Goat milk based
No Gluten
EU standards
Made in New Zealand
From 6 months
Rich source of Vitamin D
No Gluten
EU standards
Made in New Zealand
From 12 months
Rich source of Vitamin D
No Gluten
EU standards
Made in New Zealand
From 10 months
Contains Vitamins A, C, D
Soy, GMO and gluten free
EU standards
Made in Germany
From birth
Contains DHA
No palm oil
With full cream organic goat's milk
Milk from the EU
Made in Germany
From 6 months
Contains DHA
No palm oil
With full cream organic goat's milk
Milk from the EU
Made in Germany
As of the 10th month
Contains DHA
No palm oil
With full cream organic goat's milk
Milk from the EU
Made in Germany
From 12-36 months
Plant-based Omega-3 DHA
No Palm Oil
EU standards
Made in UK

Out of stock

From birth
Contains Omega 3
Contains DHA
EU organic certified
Made in Netherlands
From 6 months
Contains Omega 3
Contains DHA
EU organic certified
Made in Netherlands
From birth
Contains DHA & AA
Contains Lutein
EU standards
Made in Netherlands
From 6 months
Contains DHA & AA
Contains Lutein
EU standards
Made in Netherlands
From 12 months
Contains DHA & AA
Contains Lutein
EU standards
Made in Netherlands
Showing 1 to 24 of 25 (2 Pages)

You can buy Loulouka organic goat milk formula in the following cities: Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Houston, Louisville, Philadelphia, Seattle, Austin, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, San Diego, Dallas, Detroit, Denver, Boston, Portland, Washington, Indianapolis, Louisville and others.

Baby Organic Goat Milk Manufacturers

TheBestFromJapan offers two goats milk baby formula brands: NANNYCare and Holle.

NANNYCare Goat Milk Formula

NANNYCare uses goat milk that is sourced in New Zealand. This goat milk infant formula uses lactose as a carbohydrate, the same milk sugar that is found in breast milk. NANNYCare never uses palm oil or soy-based ingredients.

NANNYCare goat milk formula comes in 3 stages:

  • Stage 1 (900g) – from birth on
  • Stage 2 (900g) – from six months on
  • Stage 3 (900g) – from 1 to 3 years (growing up milk)

Store NANNYCare in a cool, dry place and keep airtight after use. Never refrigerate and always use before the expiration date.

Holle Goat Milk Formula

Holle has been known for Demeter-quality organic baby foods for decades. This German-based company also offers goat milk formula that meets or exceeds the same high standards as the cow milk formula.

Holle goat milk formula does not contain any GMO or synthetic ingredients. Holle uses organic maltodextrin to thicken the milk and balance the natural sweetness of the goat milk.

Holle goat milk formula comes in 3 stages:

  • Stage 1 (400g) – from birth on
  • Stage 2 (600g) – from six months on
  • Stage 3 (600g) - from ten months on

Store all baby goat milk formula packages in a cool, dry, dark location. Never store any type of infant formula in the refrigerator or freezer. Be sure to use any formula prior to the expiration date printed in the European form of DDMMYYYY.

Goat Milk Formula For Babies

Both NANNYCare and Holle goat milk formulas are available at our online store. You will be able to buy these and other items for great low prices and take advantage of our discounts and promotion. If you haven’t started your baby on baby formula goat milk yet, you can get it right away with our fast delivery.

Why Choose an Organic Formula?

  • Organic food is completely free of growth hormones and pesticides.

Do you know why thousands of parents prefer organic food for their children? Organic food does not contain growth hormones.

Babies' digestive systems are still fragile and cannot tolerate toxic substances and pesticides. Inorganic formulas contain artificial growth hormones and pesticide residues, but buying organic formulas guarantees they do not contain synthetic growth hormones.

  • Organic milk powder is nutritious.

The primary purpose of formula milk is to give babies the nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong. Organic formula contains the right amount of vitamins and minerals.

  • Does not include any GMOs.

Did you know that a large proportion of non-organic formulas contain GMOs? Research has shown that GMOs can have adverse effects on babies' organs and systems. Luckily, organic formulas are not only free of synthetic ingredients but also free of GMOs.

  • Organic food is tender and healthy.

Organic formula is made from ingredients similar to breast milk. It means that they are more natural and do not contain any artificial ingredients, such as processed sweeteners. Organic formulas are gentle on the baby's digestive system and provide complete nutrients with excellent digestion and absorption.


Can I give my baby goat's milk formula?

It is perfectly safe to give your baby goat's milk formula, provided your child's doctor allows it. Many parents prefer to use goat milk formula for infants because of the positive nutritional benefits when compared to cow milk formula. Goat milk formula for infants is tailored to cater to the nutritional requirements of babies in the age bracket of 6 months to a year and is less likely to be resisted by some children.However, it is important to seek medical advice before switching to another formula in order to avoid any complications with your baby's health. It is always best to follow your pediatrician's recommendations when it comes to giving proper nutrition to your baby.

Does goat milk formula taste like breast milk?

Indeed, the taste of goat milk formula infant is quite dissimilar to that of breast milk. Unlike goat milk formula, breast milk is sweeter and has specific flavors based on what the mother has consumed. A more natural spice is found in the infant goat milk formula, which some babies might love. Nevertheless, children are unique in their eating habits – many may warm up to the goat milk formula with ease, while others could be more worried.It is advisable to let babies be introduced to goat milk newborn formula gradually and later check the kind of substance that would make the baby uncomfortable. Breast milk is extremely nutritious therefore if you are trying to change formulas it is better to discuss with your pediatrician on how best to go about it concerning your baby.

How to make goat's milk formula for babies?

Why shouldn't caregivers prepare goat's milk formula for babies at home? Because, in most cases, it will lack some important nutrition. The proper solution will be to use some appropriate goat milk infant formula manufactured in the factory: preparation is simple and easy: just take several spoons, add some water, and you are all ready! Always follow the instructions on the packaging to prepare the formula safely.

Does goat milk formula help with acid reflux in babies?

When transitioning, many mothers say that it's less harsh on milk protein than cow's formula, and it allows some babies to cope better with reflux. Goat milk-based infant formula tends to be easier to absorb since it also has a simplified protein structure.However, all babies are unique, so if you think that your baby may have a reflux modification, then you should see your local pediatrician for advice. Some may suggest methods of feeding some babies that may resolve the symptoms while still maintaining the proper nutrition.

Does goat's milk formula cause constipation?

Goats milk formula available may cause constipation to some babies, but that depends more on the individual. Most of the babies do fine with goats milk formula for newborns, but some of them may suffer from some digestive issues including constipation.After the introduction of the new German goat milk formula, watch out for changes in your baby's bowel movements. If this is the case, you should speak to your doctor and ask for their help. They will be in a position to give specific recommendations and adjustments to the diet the baby is fed so that they are okay.

What is the FDA-approved goat milk formula?

The Kendamil formula is FDA-approved. There are several goat milk formulas which have received FDA approval, most of which are intended for babies. These are special formulas manufactured to fit the growth parameters of the infants and they are subjected to strict rules of safety and quality. Always look for registered companies that manufacture goat milk formula USA that will be approved by FDA policies.For your baby's safety and health, do not forget to read through the label to ascertain that the goat milk formula contains all the required nutrients and your pediatrician's recommendations regarding your choices. This makes sure that your child gets good nutrition that nourishes development stages that are appropriate for their age.

How long is goat milk formula good for?

A goat milk formula can be used up to 3 weeks after opening in order to ensure maximum freshness and safety. In case the entire formula is not consumed in this period, leftovers should be thrown out to prevent the possibility of bacterial infection. On the other hand, most of the shelf-stable goat milk formulation liquids and powdered infant products remained unopened for 18 months or more, depending on the brand and the expiry date label attached to the packaging. In addition, always keep the formula in a cool, dry place and check for any foul smell before using. These instructions and precautions enable you to provide your baby with hygienic and healthy feeding alternatives.

Is there lactose in goat's milk formula?

Yes, infant formula goat milk does contain lactose, but less than cow's milk. For some infants who are lactose intolerant or sensitive, goat milk formula might be easier to digest, though it still contains lactose. Those who have been diagnosed with lactose intolerance should consult their pediatrician before administering goat milk formula newborn or any dairy products.They can recommend proper substitutes, for example lactose-free formulas, to avoid any distressing discomfort for your baby while ensuring proper nutrition. When it comes to selecting a feeding option, the welfare and well-being of your baby have to come first.