Benefits of Organic Baby Formula


Baby formula is beneficial for mothers who cannot breastfeed, parents who want to supplement breast milk, or parents who choose to feed their baby exclusively from a bottle.

Best European Baby Formula


When looking for the best, European baby formula has premier brands that focus on what is best for children from birth on. 

Best Formula Milk for 1-3 Year Old


What is the best formula milk for 1-3 year olds? Sometimes the best formula for infants has a toddler milk that provides vital nutrition during these developmental times.

Best Formula Milk for Infants


What is the best formula milk for infants? There are so many choices on the market, it is important to minimize the list for the benefit of babies who need formula as a supplement to breastfeeding or as the main source of nutrition for their first year. 

Best Cow Milk Brands For Baby


When considering the best cow milk brand for baby, it is important to consider where the milk comes from and the ingredients that create the best baby formula. 

Best Baby Bottle Nipples


The natural process of nursing starts with breastfeeding. Bottle feeding allows parents to nourish their baby with expressed breast milk or infant formula. 

Best Organic Baby Cereal


As a parent, you have a choice of the foods you offer to your children until they are old enough to make that choice on their own. It is important to educate yourself on the quality of baby food products available to you. Since babies start with cereal, their first solid food should be the best organic baby cereal.

Best Baby Cereal for 4 Month Old


Babies are often introduced to cereal when their appetite cannot be sated by breast milk or formula alone. However, just any infant cereal won’t do. You are looking for the best baby cereal for 4 month old. While the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breast feeding for the first six months, they understand that some babies are ready to start solid foods between 4 and 6 months along with the nutrients that come from their primary source of nutrition.

Best Baby Cereal for 6 Month Old


Some babies are ready to start baby cereal by 4 months in order to keep up with their growing appetite. Other babies may have digestive systems that are still too immature to handle solids and need to wait a little longer. The difference between 4 month olds and 6 month olds is that the older baby has a gut that begins to close so it can digest more effectively and absorb nutrients better.

Holle Baby Cereal


When a baby is ready to start solids, cereal is a good start. Along with a regular diet of breast milk or infant formula, baby cereal is easy to digest and fortified with nutrients. Holle baby cereal is a great choice for introducing a variety of grains with the assurance of Demeter certified ingredients and practices. Holle is one of the pioneers of biodynamic agriculture in Germany and the only baby food company with Demeter”s high distinction of organic quality. For those who already use the Holle brand for baby formula, they already know a brand when their baby is ready to transition into cereals and solids.

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